The formation of subtle reservoirs and the distributional characteristics of petroleum have been controlled by various factors, such as paleo-tectonic setting, hydrocarbon migration pathways, combination of source, reservoir and cap rocks, and the timing of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. 北部陡坡带隐蔽油气藏的形成与油气分布特征受控于古构造背景、油气疏导体系、生储盖组合及成烃与成藏要素的有机配置等多种因素。
A research method of low permeability interbeds within a massive petroleum reservoir with gas cap and bottom water 块状气顶底水油气藏低渗透夹层研究
The distribution of low permeability interbeds within a massive petroleum reservoir with gas cap and bottom water is a key geologic factor affecting the development method and result of the oilfield. 块状气顶底水油气藏储集层中低渗透夹层的分布是影响油气藏开发方法及开发效果的关键地质因素。
In petroleum systems of coalbed gas and shale-gas, the source rock is both reservoir and often the cap rock, with short migration distance. 在煤层气和页岩气中,烃源岩既是储层,又是盖层且运移距离很短;